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  • : Un gran desafío: Aprender Inglés sin conocimientos previos, desde la perspectiva del estudio de un segundo idioma. Para este cometido, he creado este curso básico gratuito para principiantes. ¡BIENVENIDOS! y éxito en este emprendimiento.
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Directora Académica

  • Carola Pozo
  • Carola Pozo es Lic. es profesora de Inglés especializada en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, locutora, con estudios de Lic. en Comunicación Social. Es Directora Académica de Planeta Servicios Educativos, centro educativo especializado en tutorías. Brinda Seminarios y Conferencias Motivacionales a nivel nacional e internacional.
  • Carola Pozo es Lic. es profesora de Inglés especializada en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, locutora, con estudios de Lic. en Comunicación Social. Es Directora Académica de Planeta Servicios Educativos, centro educativo especializado en tutorías. Brinda Seminarios y Conferencias Motivacionales a nivel nacional e internacional.


Libro de visitas



  • CONFERENCIAS ON-LINE Espacio virtual que brindo para conocernos, practicar la pronunciación y aclarar todas las dudas que surjan en el desarrollo del curso. 
  • BRITISH  COUNCIL: Brinda una herramienta que permite acercarnos al sonido de los fonemas. 
  • MYINTERCAMBIO: Se puede conversar con hablantes nativos, via chat o teleconferencia.
  • LENGUAJERO: Para hablar con miembros nativos de Lenguajero




30 junio 2011 4 30 /06 /junio /2011 21:50



a) Se usa la coma para separar dos proposiciones independientes, las cuales estan unidas por: y , pero, o. Ejemplos


In the summer we went swimming  ,  and in the fall we went hunting

En el verano fuimos a nadar  y en el otoño fuimos a cazar


We went to the movie  but Helen stayed at home

Fuimos al cine  pero Elena se quedó en casa


b) Si esas proposiciones independientes no están conectadas por: y, pero, o , todavía tienen relación en el significado, en ese caso será necesario escribir un punto y coma. Ejemplos:


In the summer we went swimming   ;  in the fall we went hunting

En el verano fuimos a nadar   ;  en el otoño fuimos a cazar


We went to the movie  Helen stayed at home

Fuimos al cine  Elena se quedó en casa


c) La coma también se usa en oración directa (direct speech), como sigue:


John said  ,  "I may be somewhat late"

Juan dijo  ,   Puedo estar algo atrasado


"I may be late  , " John said  ,  "because I have several important appointments."

Puedo estar atrasado  ,  dijo Juan  "porque tengo muchas citas importantes"


d) No es necesario escribir una coma cuando la oración  tiene signo de interrogación, admiración o comillas. Ejemplos:


" Are you busy? " John asked

" ¿Estas ocupado? " preguntó Juan


" I won't go! " Helen shouted

"  ¡ No iré ! Elena sentenció




Escribir la coma según corresponda:


1) Helen is a good student but Mary es far more clever


2) We first went to the theatre later we had dinner in a small cafe


3) Mary can swim and can dance well


4) Mary can swim well bur she cannot dance at all


5) John came Mary came William came in fact almost all our friends dropped in during the course of the evening


6) The river lay shining in the distance but I was in no mood to appreciate its beauty


7) He came later however he missed little of the lesson


8) My friends came frequently that winter and brought with them many gifts


9) John was much pleased with our attention consequently he was all smiles


10) They were cautious but I gambled heavily and came home with a small fortune


11) John said to me I will see you at about five


12) I believe said our visitor that you will find my words quite true


13) Where are you going John asked me


14) John said to us sternly wait here


15) I asked him politely can you tell me where the museum is located


16) I shall be glad to oblige you he said


17) O course it is strange Smith said that we have had no word from him


18) Where do you suppose he can be Helen asked


19) He has certainly left no clue to his whereabouts Mary added


20) But I am sure he is not lost I said otherwise his family would have been alarmed by this time


21) We found gum candy a knife and sundry other things in his pockets


22) He was born in February 1869 in Ohio


23) Please come with us Maty begged or I shall be quite angry


24) The goods were delivered on time however one chair was badly broken


25) The goods were delivered on time however one chair was badly broken


26) The sky having cleared we got out our rackets and hurried to the courts but unfortunately they were still too wet


27) The day which was a hot one passed uneventfully


28) We all got into the car  then John pressed the self starter but the motor refused to start


29) Try it once more John said.


30)  It is useless William replied I know this pile of junk and we should never have bought it


31) Besides the price was much too high Helen remarked


32) We can if we hurry get there by noon


33)  We can get there by noon if we hurry


34)  If we hurry we can get there by noon


35) Wednesday June 21 1944 was one of the most delightful days which I can remember not only from the point of view of pure pleasure but also from sentimental considerations.

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