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  • : Un gran desafío: Aprender Inglés sin conocimientos previos, desde la perspectiva del estudio de un segundo idioma. Para este cometido, he creado este curso básico gratuito para principiantes. ¡BIENVENIDOS! y éxito en este emprendimiento.
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Directora Académica

  • Carola Pozo
  • Carola Pozo es Lic. es profesora de Inglés especializada en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, locutora, con estudios de Lic. en Comunicación Social. Es Directora Académica de Planeta Servicios Educativos, centro educativo especializado en tutorías. Brinda Seminarios y Conferencias Motivacionales a nivel nacional e internacional.
  • Carola Pozo es Lic. es profesora de Inglés especializada en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, locutora, con estudios de Lic. en Comunicación Social. Es Directora Académica de Planeta Servicios Educativos, centro educativo especializado en tutorías. Brinda Seminarios y Conferencias Motivacionales a nivel nacional e internacional.


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23 noviembre 2013 6 23 /11 /noviembre /2013 06:28
Por: Carola Pozo Cortez

El Sr. Steve Kaufmann estudió relaciones internacionales en L'Institut d'Etudes Politiques. Actualmente vive en Vancouver, Canadá.

Es propietario del  Online Language Learning Community llamado LingQ  y es Políglota


Al margen de rescatar su destreza y metodología para aprender idiomas extranjeros, valoro muchísimo los consejos que brinda para estudiar un idioma por cuenta propia.

Comparto contigo  esta información e  intercambio de ideas que tuve con él que espero te motiven a seguir estudiando con entusiasmo el idioma Ingles.

 ha comentado un vídeo en YouTube.
Se ha compartido públicamente.  -  21/11/2013
Great interview with a great guy. Luca is astoundingly skilled in his languages. We need not be as skilled as Luca to enjoy languages. I enjoy all the languages that I have studied, even the ones that I speak poorly. The ability to connect with a different language world, another culture, different traditions, and the various ways of living of people who share this time on earth with us, and then to read their books, understand them when we listen, and to communicate, however incorrectly, all of this is magic. We need to start, one language at a time. Each language is a snowball, and learning languages is like a snowball. The more you do it, the more you want to do it. The hardest languages are the first ones.

Carola+CAROLA POZO CORTEZ  ayer a las(s) 06:11
Steve: I have no words to express what I feel when I read your thoughts. I wonder why people who would wish to learn English for instance, they do no think of feel something like that.
As a teacher I can say that beyond the subject I teach, students sometimes do not want to make a personal effort to learn even though I guess I have good teaching methods. I think the main problem is inside each one.
May I ask you something? How many languages do you speak which have you learnt by yourself?

Mr. KaufmannSteve Kaufmann  00:48

+CAROLA POZO CORTEZ We don't learn languages by ourselves. We always have help. However, the only languages that I learned formally in schools were French and Mandarin (out of 14 that I have studied). In the case of French, however, I mostly learned it on my own after a professor motivated me., and made my determined to learn the language. Even with Mandrin, I did much more listening and reading outside of the classroom than the other students. Why more people are not equally enthusiastic I don't know. The greatest achievement of a tecer, such as my French teacher, is to find the button that can turn on the student, in my view.



Thank you Mr. Kaufmann, your experience motivates me to not give up on the task of improving methods of learning and teaching.


Para finalizar, el video de la entrevista ilustra el hecho de que "el éxito" es un trabajo interno. No se trata de lo que logras, sino mas bienen quien te conviertes.

Al final de la entrevista Luca dice muy claramente que las habilidades que se desarrollan con los años te permiten tener una vida mejor en muchos sentidos y las habilidades que consigues aprender quedan contigo para siempre.

¡¡ Te deseo mucho éxito en tus estudios del idioma Inglés !!


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